Hidden Hearts

I have somewhat of an obsession with hidden hearts.  It began when I was a child and my room was decorated with millions of tiny multi-colored hearts.  And I mean millions.  Tiny hearts in a multitude of colors on the wallpaper, larger hearts all over my bedding.  It was an 80s heart-fest, I tell you. As an adult, I have […]

A Winter Haiku by Ellie

Winter Haiku by Ellie Hillman The snow is crunchy– Evergreens are everywhere. I like to eat snow. Ellie earned an honorable mention in a local poetry contest with her Winter Haiku written during our Feudal Japan study.  Congratulations, sweet girl!

Handprint Quilt

Someone we dearly love has been through the wringer lately, enduring cancer treatments. He and his wife are facing a trial I can’t comprehend.  As someone watching from the outside, it’s difficult to know what to do to help.  We think of them often. We pray, we send positive thoughts their way.  We bring food in an attempt to lighten […]

Knit Together

During the weeks leading up to Elijah’s birth I was terrified the adoption would fall through, for good reason (and another and another).  I wanted to make something for the baby but was anxious to start, in case we lost him. I needed something easy, something that I wouldn’t have to think about or which could potentially add more frusration to my […]

We Love To Read: February 2014

We are a book-loving family.   We read many books each month, but choose our favorites to share with you. We’re always looking for more books to add to our library bag (which literally burst at the seams as we left the library one day).  I’d love to hear your recommendations! Reads for Mama Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen […]