“Currently” Journal Insert

I have always loved spending time writing in my journal. Even as a young girl, I wrote down all the important (and not so important) things that happened to me.  It’s cathartic for me to think back through the day, remembering the good along with the bad moments.  It’s a great way to settle my brain and process the day before I head to bed. I record what I’m thankful for, funny things the kids said or did, little discouragements and big trials.

Little bits and pieces from my day often make it into my journals: ticket stubs, photos, notes from the kids and Jason, etc.  They tend to make my journals extra chunky and I adore it.  Here’s last year’s journal next to the new journal I started this year:

One of my favorite things about keeping a journal is looking back through the years to remember what was happening in my life, what stages our kids were in, what we were enjoying at that specific moment in time.

Here’s a great little printable to help you record things like that. Record what you’re currently watching, reading, loving, dreaming about, listening to, planning, wearing, drinking, craving and making.  It’s a little snapshot of your current world.

It comes in a full 8.5×11 page, a half sheet and one sized a little smaller than half a page that fits really well into my moleskin journal. Click DOWNLOAD below to grab your free copy.