Coloring Pages
General Conference Giant Coloring Poster

General Conference Giant Coloring Poster

Free General Conference Coloring Poster.

Giant Coloring page to help kids focus on the messages of Latter-Day Saint General Conference.

I’ve created some fun printables for General Conference over the years, mostly aimed at helping busy Mamas get the most out of Conference weekend and their study once Conference is over. But today is all about helping kids look forward to, listen and enjoy Conference.

Because I had so much fun creating the Spread Joy coloring poster, I decided to create something similar to keep little hands busy during Conference. I love sitting down with my little kids to color while we listen to the speakers. I’ve noticed that they will stay engaged much longer if I’m coloring with them. My older kids will join us as well if the supplies are just out on the table.

There are a few different ways you could use this General Conference coloring poster. You could hang it on the wall and color in images related to the topic of the speaker you’re listening to. You could have each person color in an image after every talk is over. You could just keep it out on the table or floor and just color when the mood strikes!


You could also write the speaker’s name and a few keywords from their talk in the margins of the coloring page, or near the image, you colored during their talk. I’m certain there are so many more options that I haven’t even thought of yet! How would you put the coloring poster to use?

You can download the free coloring page below in two sizes: 24×36″ and a regular size paper (8.5×11″). When we do the coloring posters, I send them to our local Staples to have them printed. Choose the blueprint option and it only costs $4! It’s really easy to do on their website and is usually finished in a couple of hours.

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