Art Journaling with Kids: Things I Love

I am delighted to share my love of art with my children as we make artistic exploration a priority in our homeschool.  Please join me each Friday as I post the latest addition to our art journals.  I share easy ideas to incorporate art into your family culture.  
You don’t need to be a homeschooling family to spend time making art together!


Art journal

We began by drawing several simple frames on the page.  We then filled each frame with a drawing of something we love.  Ideas included: family, friends, books, legos, mashed potatoes and gravy, Christmas, soccer, swimming, art, etc.

I love simple pages like this because it allows me to get a small glimpse into my children’s minds.  I wasn’t surprised by most of their entries, though I’ll admit that mashed potatoes and gravy caught me off guard a little bit. Seeing what is truly important to my kids and watching them take the time to document them is a pretty sweet experience.

After we took a few minutes to fill in the frames, we added details and more intricate work.  Ellie was really into this page, and spent much longer on hers than Ethan, which is not unusual for a project of this type.  I try to encourage them to make their pages the very best they can do, and sometimes a very simple drawing is all they have the interest for.  As always, this is not the place for critique,  it’s a time to experiment and to allow your kids the freedom to create the project they want to create.
A few minutes talking about the details of the pieces is always fun, but of course not required.