You probably already know about the delightful series Over the Garden Wall. But if not, consider this your recommendation to watch it and then to get lost in the incredible fan art and online adoration for this beloved series.
This weekend we’re having our Second Annual Over the Garden Wall Extravaganza. We’ve watched it annually for the last few years, but last year was the first time we turned it into an Extravaganza. This little party is just for our immediate family and it’s been such a fun tradition that we all look forward to.
Each episode of the series is about 10-12 minutes long, for a total of just under 2 hours of watching time. We have an activity or a theme-appropriate treat/snack lined up to go along with most of the episodes.
Without spoilers for those of you who haven’t seen the show, our Over the Garden Wall activities include:
Candy Pants (for our purposes, just denim drawstring bags that I made)
Rock painting (“That’s a rock fact!”)
Decorating sugar cookies
Short hike through the woods (this is our halfway break)
Hidden turtles game (“We’re here to burgle your Turts!”) I am going to make a bunch of little black turtles from oven bake clay and hide them around the house for people to find.
lantern making? (I’d love to make this happen, but I’m still trying to figure out details)
Potatoes for lunch (hold the molasses)
If it were closer to Halloween, we’d maybe carve pumpkins as well, but we’ll wait so they’re not completely rotten.
If you’re familiar with Over the Garden Wall, can you think of anything else I should add to our list of activities?
On My Desk:
I’m joining in with the #Inktober challenge and carving a linocut stamp every day in October. I’ll be using these to print on fabric and add some embroidered details. This is a concept I’ve been mulling over for years and have practiced a bit, but I’m looking forward to spending some dedicated time on it!
Around Here
Reading: I finished Sandwich by Catherine Newman this week, full-on sobbing in the car while I listened. This was the right book at the exact right time for me.
Also really enjoyed The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean, which was about as far into the Horror genre as I’m comfortable dipping my toe.
Watching: Jason and I finished watching Season 4 of Trying on AppleTV and it was SUCH a disappointment. We loved this series in the beginning but by the end were so annoyed by all the “white lies” (including parents and grandparents helping a child cheat at school) that we were just rolling our eyes and making snarky comments by the end.
On YouTube: Making Stuff in the Mountains, Episode 4 (what I made and the best books I read in September)
In the House/Yard: We’re revamping a couple of the flower beds, so this morning I was out burning weeds and unwanted plants with our propane weeding torch. Always such a fun time, though I end up smelling like a bonfire.
In the Shop: Halloween Stick and Stitch
Here’s to making the time for the things we love to do!