2016 LDS Primary Outline Theme and Scripture Posters

I am delighted to share with you these free LDS Primary 2016 Outline theme and scripture posters. I have designed these 12 colorful posters for you to use in your families and/or Primary settings (download below by clicking Add to Cart). Print them for your Primary bulletin board or to hang in your home as a reminder of the topics your children will be discussing in Primary throughout the year.  You could even use them as visual aids to inspire your family to memorize the scriptures for each month.

The download includes the posters in three different formats: pdf, jpg and png.  Feel free to use them however you’d like.

I have set up the download so you can set your own price. You are more than welcome to download them for free.  I love that I am able to share my work with those who will use and appreciate it.  As you can imagine, a project like this takes a great deal of my time. If you are able, please donate a small amount to allow me to continue to provide resources like this.

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