Abraham and Isaac Free Printable Paper Dolls

Abraham and Isaac Free Printable Paper Dolls

Abraham and Isaac Printable Play Set.  This hand-painted play set is perfect for Primary lessons, Family Home Evening or family gospel discussions!

As a family who has also faced infertility and loss, Abraham and Sarah’s story is so powerful to me. We felt like it took us a long time to be able to add children to our family, but Sarah was nearly 100 years old when she gave birth to Isaac!  Can you imagine how beloved little Isaac was? How sure he felt of his parents’ love?  How heartbreaking it must have been for Abraham to follow Heavenly Father’s command, especially given his childhood experiences. I imagine their hike up Mount Moriah was slow and painful.

This story is such a powerful way to teach our kids about obedience and faith in Heavenly Father’s plan.  I choose to focus on the more positive aspect of this story (Abraham obeyed and God sent an angel and a ram to save the day!) and emphasize that Heavenly Father would never ask us to sacrifice our children, this was a very special trial meant just for Abraham. I just don’t want them to worry every time we go on a hike 😉

How to Use This Free Printable:

Read or tell the story of Abraham and Isaac (there are some great re-tellings below) and use the paper doll figures to keep little hands busy and help them further understand the story. You can also read directly from the scriptures in Genesis Chapter 22, which is my preferred method with kids ages 8 and up. We pause after every verse or two to answer questions and clarify language.

If your children are older, you could also discuss how this story is a type (or example) of Jesus Christ.  Point out how many similarities you can find between the story of Abraham and Isaac and that of Jesus. For example:

  • Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac
  • Heavenly Father willingly sacrificed his Only Begotten Son
  • Isaac carried the wood for the fire at the altar
  • Jesus carried his own cross

Additional Resources for studying Abraham and Issac:

Supplies to make paper dolls:

Print play set (Download below)
Laminator, if desired
Popsicle sticks, if desired
Velcro or pieces of flannel, if desired

How to make paper doll play set:

Print out the paper dolls and background.
Cut out the figures.
Laminate, if desired. This step is optional, but will help the play set last longer.
You could attach the popsicle sticks as a handle onto the puppets, but we like them better without.
You could also use velcro or a piece of flannel glued to the back of the puppets to use them on a flannel board, if desired.
If you’d like to download this Abraham and Isaac Paper Play Set, click the link below:


Download Abraham and Isaac Paper Dolls

Other Paper Doll Sets in this series:


This post first appeared on Little LDS Ideas.
I’d love for you to share a photo and tag me on Instagram  so I can see how your family puts these to use!