What I’ve Been Reading Lately: December

Every month I share the books I’ve read and podcasts I loved.  I do not finish books I’m not into.  There are just too many great books out there to waste time with something I don’t love.  So each of the books below would get at least 3/5 stars.  This was a great reading month for me! (Actually it’s been […]

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: November 2018

Every month I share a short and sweet review of each of the books I finished reading in the past month.  Find more book reviews here. And, of course, head over to Modern Mrs. Darcy for many more quick reviews. The Portrait of Emily Price by Katherine Reay I enjoy Katherine Reay’s clean, not-quite-fluffy writing.  This was not a book that […]

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: October 2018

Every month I share quick reviews of the books I’ve been reading.  It’s been a busy month, but I was still able to fit in a bunch of reading time.  What have you been reading lately? The War I Finally Won by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley I loved this sequel to the beautiful The War That Saved My Life.  A powerful story […]

Five Things Saving Our Homeschool Right Now.

It’s back to school time and for a lot of homeschoolers that can mean a huge variety of conflicting emotions.  Worries and questions and excitement about the year ahead are swirling around in our heads: Am I doing this right?… I love the freedom of homeschooling! Park days during the school year are the best!… Are my kids getting what […]

What I’ve been Reading Lately: September 2018

I’ve always been a reader.  It’s my favorite way to wind-down for a few minutes; my favorite way to motive myself to complete tasks I detest (why is scrubbing toilets so much more tolerable with a great book in my earbuds?). My favorite way to pass a few minutes while I wait for water to boil or supervise children playing.  […]

Our 8th Grade, 4th Grade and Pre-school Homeschool Plans

Literature based plans for our spread-out homeschooling family.   We’ve got kids in 8th, 4th, Pre-K and a toddler this year.  It’s hard for me to believe this is my 9th year as a homeschooling mom.  I remember talking with my husband about homeschooling when Ellie (now almost 14) was supposed to be heading into Kindergarten.  The plan at that point […]

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: August 2018

Guys. I finished 10 books this month, thanks to two camping trips and a weekend by myself (my husband saw just what I needed and insisted on taking the kids camping for 2 days so I could stay home by myself for the first time ever.  Yes, it was lovely).  What have you been reading lately? The Goose Girl by […]

What I’ve Been Reading Lately: July 2018

This has been a pretty great reading month for me! Seven books finished and partway through a few more.  What have you been reading lately? Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I have been hearing about this book for a while and finally got my hands (or, rather, my ears) on it.  It was different than I was expecting.  In my mind […]

What I’ve been Reading Lately: June 2018

Our family has gone on two long road trips this month, making lots of time for audiobooks together in the car and lots of downtime to read when we arrive at our destination.  What have you been reading lately? Persuasion by Jane Austen This was a re-read for my book club.  I love the ending, it always makes me happy. […]

Our Summer Homeschool Morning Time Plans

Our plans for homeschooling during the summer.  We homeschool year round (and love it!) and these are the family read alouds and assigned books we’ll be enjoying this summer.    After our family road trip to Mesa Verde last week, summer is officially here! While we do take a break from official homeschooling for about 3 weeks each summer, I’ve […]