
I know some of you are anxiously waiting to hear about our court date today, so here you go. We were able to meet Cutie’s dad for the first time. He seems to be making good progress and seems very sincere. He was awarded visitation rights today.

Unfortunately, the boys’ mom was a no-show. As you can imagine, this is not good news. She has not been able to be reached for a while and has not been complying with her court orders. Today the judge set another court date for January. In mean time, her attorney, as well as the DCFS workers, will try to get a hold of her and a notice will be published in the papers. If she does not attend in January her rights will be terminated (at least to my understanding). Also, her visitation rights were suspended.

I find myself vacillating between two emotions: I am heartbroken, but at the same time I’m furious. I can’t imagine the situation their mom is in. I don’t claim to understand the struggles she is up against. What could she possibly be doing that is more important than this court hearing? Not one single thing. Jason and I were just blown away to hear about her lack of progress. Lack of effort, really.

Obviously I get really worked up when I think about this. Thank you for letting me vent.

We are absolutely in love with these boys and want what is best for them. I know you do, too. So please continue to join us in praying for them.

5 thoughts on “Court

    • Author gravatar

      Is it bad news for you guys and for your desires? Or just bad news for the boys that their mom doesn’t care enough to do whatever it takes to get her boys back?

      The good thing for them is that they are small and they don’t really understand. You are always in our prayers and will continue to be throughout this process.

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      Thank you for the update. We hope for the best for the boys and will keep you in our prayers.

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      It’s more bad news for the boys and for their mom. I am really just disappointed because I thought she was getting better. It breaks my heart that she can’t seem to change.

    • Author gravatar

      Wow! How could a mother not do everything she had to to get her children back? I just can’t wrap my brain around that!

    • Author gravatar

      Poor babies! I pray that this will affect the boys as little as possible and that they just have a family who loves them and wants them and will do anything for them (so far they have one). Love you guys!

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