Cutie Sighting

You’ll never guess who we just ran into at the store! Our sweet little Cutie! I know it should make me happy that when he was a little nervous (because of the loud, surprised woman he thinks he remembers from somewhere getting in his face and wanting to eat him up. Yes, that’s what I did.) he looked to his dad for comfort. Still, my heart hurts just a little bit.

He looks happy and healthy and his dad said he absolutely loves being a parent. Ellie was affected by it more than I expected her to be. She told me she was sad and looked close to tears as we got in the car. Then she wanted to talk about Cutie instead of listening to our book-on-tape on the way home (which is unheard-of lately). We remembered funny things about him to help her (and me) feel better. Interesting how we remember things differently after the fact… Ellie remembered how much she loved sharing her toys with Cutie and that he always liked to hold her hand. I don’t think it went quite that way, but we’ll let her keep those “memories”.

Just though you’d like an update!

4 thoughts on “Cutie Sighting

    • Author gravatar

      Oh wow!! What a blessing! I hope you loved him up enough for me. It’s fantastic that he looked to his dad for reassurance!

    • Author gravatar

      That is awesome. I am so glad that you got to see him again and see him with his dad. That is so sweet to hear his trust in his dad. What a neat moment for you guys.

    • Author gravatar

      That is so cool that you ran into them. I’m glad to hear that they’re doing so well! We may have a placement in the next month or so for two little girls, that we will probably get to keep.

    • Author gravatar

      Wow, that is so neat! And so sweet to hear Ellie’s reaction!

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