LDS Conference Journal for Busy Moms

Journal to help you get the most out of LDS General Conference.  Record your inspiration, ideas and next action steps and come back to them in a quiet moment to study more in depth.
 LDS General Conference is something that many, many people look forward to every six months. It’s definitely a highlight of the year for me.  It’s an opportunity to immerse ourselves in a weekend full of uplifting and inspirational messages, the traditions we’ve established in our families, and revelation from our Heavenly Father.  
I struggle to listen attentively without taking notes, and one of my favorite things is to draw beautiful, colorful sketchnotes like those above (I often share them with you, too!) but in this season of my life, taking detailed notes while I sit quietly and listen to every single word of Conference is just not realistic.  I’m a busy Mom of four.  My two big kids can generally sit quietly the whole time, but not the Littles (as we call them).
I’m often answering random questions from the four year old, or helping the 18 month old to find that thing that she dropped under the couch, or handing out snacks, refilling drinks, keeping people from jumping off of high furniture.  Mamas, you know how it goes.
Even while things are nuts, I am still blessed to have certain lines from the conference talks stand out to me.  Or I receive whispered insights about a problem I’ve been praying over, or a new idea to bless my family, amidst the chaos.  If I don’t take a moment to write them down, these meaningful words and inspiration meant just for me will be lost.  
I created this journal printable to help all of us hold on to the insights we receive in the middle of filling sippy cups and snuggling little ones.

It’s designed to be simple, easy to use and uplifting, and to help you get the most out of LDS General Conference.  Use it to jot down your impressions and the beautiful quotes you hear, and retain more of the insights you receive during General Conference.

Includes the following labels: 
Words meant just for Me
Favorite Quotes
Inspiration because I am a Mother
Inspiration because I am a Wife
Inspiration for my Calling
Inspiration because I am a ________ (with a spot for you to fill in the blank)
Goals Sheet: now that you’ve received inspiration, how do you plan to implement it in your daily life?

How to Use:

Download and Print

Cut out each label (using the very light cut lines around each square)

Glue into your scripture journal or other notebook.

While you’re listening to Conference in a few weeks, leave this journal in an easily accessible place (right between the snacks and the coloring books 🙂 ).  When a line from a talk, a scripture reference or direct revelation strikes your heart, write it down on the appropriate page.

Go back in a quiet moment and study in-depth the revelation you received and ponder how to implement it in your life.

I know how hard it can be as a busy mom to feel like you’re getting the most out of Conference weekend.  I hope this journal helps you! Tag me on Instagram so I can see how you put it into use.

You may also like my General Conference Doodle Journal!


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