LDS Primary Chorister Planner

I was just called to be the Primary Chorister in our ward!  I am thrilled and terrified all at once. Because I’m a planning, list-making nerd I immediately went to work to find resources to go along with the 2015 Primary Outline.  
There are several darling chorister planners out there, but none of them was exactly what I had in mind.  So I created this very simple version, and it’s now available as a free download for you as well.

Each month includes the theme, scripture, and song from the outline as well as the weekly themes.

I plan to choose one opening, birthday, welcome, etc. song for each month so there is a space at the top to write down the page numbers and any props I might need.
Each week has a place to write down my plan for Singing Time and list materials/props needed.
Each page has a section for notes, so I can write down impressions, thoughts, and ideas for future activities.

Download the Planner Here

**UPDATE** I’ve had several requests to make a planner that has places to record different songs for opening exercises by the week instead of the month.  I aim to please 🙂

Download version 2 (weekly rotation) here.