Patriarchal Blessing Study

I’ve mentioned before that I’m working on earning my second LDS Personal Progress medallion (did you know moms can earn them with their daughters? It’s been such a joy to work on it along with my 13 year old daughter).  One of the projects is to prepare for and receive your patriarchal blessing (Individual Worth #2).  I received mine as a teenager and have gained such strength and comfort from reading and studying it over the years.

I created this free little study journal to help you record your insights and inspiration about your patriarchal blessing. It’s six pages long and features the following pages:

  • Memories from the day I received my patriarchal blessing
  • Promises and Blessings mentioned in my patriarchal Blessing
  • Warnings and Admonitions
  • What I Learned About Myself
  • Instruction/Goals to Achieve
  • The above titles combined on a single page

I studied my patriarchal blessing using the study guide this week and I found it absolutely fascinating to break it down into different categories. To see all my blessings listed together as well as all the counsel/instruction all together helped me to see what I should be focusing my time and prayers on.  Also, I was interested to learn that there is really only one warning in my patriarchal blessing, but it’s a big one and it’s definitely something I struggle with.

Studying this revelation in such a personal way was enlightening to me. I’d love to hear about your experiences studying your own patriarchal blessing.

Click ADD to CART below to download the free guide.  I’ve also included a big list of resources to help you study patriarchal blessings in depth.

For additional study:

Topical Guide
Bible Dictionary: Patriarch
Index to Triple Combination: Patriarch
Guide to the Scriptures
True To the Faith: Patriarchal Blessings
Understanding Your Patriarchal Blessing (this is a great article!)
What a Patriarchal Blessing Can Do For You
Mormon Channel Q&A Podcast episode about Patriarchal Blessings
Your Patriarchal Blessing: A Liahona of Light by President Monson
Your Patriarchal Blessing by President Faust

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