Coloring Pages
Three FREE Book of Mormon Reading Charts!

Three FREE Book of Mormon Reading Charts!

Hi there!

I am so thrilled to dive into studying the Book of Mormon for Come Follow Me next year (next week!)

For those who are wondering, yes! I am planning to release weekly Come Follow Me Sketchnotes again this year. Just remember that I’ll be doing it in one monthly post, rather than weekly posts. The post for January will be going up on Monday!

Today I’m happy to share a fun project I’ve been drawing up for you. It’s a Book of Mormon reading tracker!


Actually, I have THREE different versions today. Once I got started I couldn’t do just one.

I decided to create these without the dates for the Come Follow Me reading schedule for a couple of reasons. The number one reason is I don’t want anyone to ever feel “behind” with your study of the Book of Mormon. You can jump in with these trackers no matter what lesson is being taught at church that week, just mark one box per chapter read and remember that progress is progress!

If you like these tracker pages, you might also like my Come Follow Me Study Journal! Check it out here.

How to use Book of Mormon Reading Trackers

These trackers are pretty straightforward, basically you color in a section for each chapter you read. Each of the three designs is a little different, so I’ll walk you through them below.

The first design I created is this fun board game style. My idea was that you leave the book title blank until you finish all the chapters and then go back and color it in once you’ve read all the chapters in that book. It’s a way to feel extra accomplished when you move on to another book in the Book of Mormon.


I love how visual this one is, you can see exactly where you are in the process of reading the Book of Mormon.

Next up is the floral version. Each flower is labeled with the name of a book from the Book of Mormon. In order to make everything fit in an aesthetically pleasing way, this page has the books a tiny bit out of order. I hope that doesn’t drive you crazy! It shouldn’t be too tricky to use. It’s the same ideas as before, just fill in a section of the coloring page for each of the chapters you read.

Each of the books that includes only one chapter is part of the cluster of smaller flowers near the center of the page.


The third Book of Mormon tracker option is this version that I’m calling Waves. It reminds me of either the waves of the ocean, or sand dunes in the desert. You could color them in any color combination, of course, but using all blues or all browns/oranges could be fun!

As always, color in one section for each chapter you read.

I also created half-sheet sizes for each design in case that works better for you. Download each free Book of Mormon reading tracker below.

Download the Board Game Tracker

Download the Flowers Tracker

Download the Waves Tracker

You might also like my Come Follow Me Study Journal! Check it out here.

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