Twitterature July 2014

I’m joining in with Modern Mrs. Darcy today to share what I’ve been reading lately.  I find myself in the middle of a lot of books this month, without as many finished as I normally have since the last Twitterature.

Notes from a Blue Bike
I really enjoyed this book even though I didn’t find it particularly groundbreaking.  If you’ve been working toward a more intentional lifestyle, you probably will not find anything new in these pages.  However, I loved seeing concrete, specific examples of how Tsh and her family work to slow down and be more deliberate in their day-to-day lives.

This was okay.  Didn’t love it, but it fit the bill of a light, fun read. I liked the characters and the writing style. But overall for me it was just so-so.

The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Light and fun in the beginning, but as you progress a more serious story comes to light.  As always, I am drawn to foster care/adoption stories and I loved the open relationship between A.J. and Maya.  I didn’t love the negative stereotype of foster families.  But, it’s almost impossible to find a book with a positive opinion of foster parents.  (Do you know of any?  I’d love to read them!)

 Gifts of Imperfection
Love, love, love this book. Brene Brown presents research and insights into living a Wholehearted life in a way that really connects with me.  Reading this was life-changing for me. You know it’s good when I’ve marked so many passages to re-read and add to my commonplace book:

What have you been reading lately?