What I’m Into: June 2016

How can June possibly be over already?.  We’re currently in the midst of a very busy season.  Miss Ellie has swim practice every morning. Getting out the door first thing is a new experience for this homeschool family. During the school year, I don’t schedule anything for the mornings, it’s our time to do home things together: school and chores, mostly.  Now we’re out the door by a little after 7:00 and school is bumped to later in the morning.  Goodness, but those everyday practices are helping our girl!  She recently took 12 seconds off in one event and 13 off in another. So, so fun to watch!

Ethan was recently recruited to a competitive soccer team and his practices are in the mornings as well. That’s what happens when it’s nearly 100 degrees outside in the afternoons: all of our outdoor work and adventuring must happen first thing, or there’s no way it’s going to happen.  

Ellie has been attending an incredible summer camp each afternoon. She’s been immersed in Harry Potter goodness 3 hours a day for the past month.  Next week is her last week, and I’m pretty sure she’ll be having withdrawls after so much time spent with fellow Harry lovers, doing all the Harry Potter things.  They’ve done everything from make wands to study astronomy, and the girl is in heaven.
We’ve been spending a lot of time outside lately, as that’s really where we’re happiest as a family.  Kayaking, hiking, time at the park, in the garden, and swimming.  It’s what we’re all about in the summertime.

What I’m Into:

Read and Reading:

My reading has slowed tremendously as of late.  I still try to steal little pockets of time throughout the day, but more often than not, I end up falling asleep.  Such is life when you’re big and pregnant, I suppose. I put together some reading lists for my kids and have enjoyed stealing a few ideas from Ellie’s list.  Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World has been fascinating, and while I’m only a few pages in, Chasing Vermeer seems fun so far. I’m also reading Emily of New Moon.
Find out what else I’ve been reading here.


This season is full of time spent driving kids places, so I’ve been catching up on podcasts in the car, in between sessions of the Okee Dokee Brothers, as demanded by Elijah.

Judging by that line-up, I must be in the midst of homeschool planning for next year (I am).

I just finished listening to Maude on audiobook (loved it!) and started Find the Good.


Jason and I have been watching Chuck lately.  We started this one a while ago, then took a break and are back at it again.  We’ve also recently tried Veronica Mars…I’ve heard about it several places lately and so we decided to check it out. From the first couple of episodes, I’m not super impressed.  Is it worth sticking with?


Working on wrapping up a few projects before baby comes.  Stay tuned for a Baptism Study Journal, and a Hymns Coloring Book in the shop over the next little while.  My early morning hours are being devoted to these projects lately and I’m making some good progress.
Also, spending lots of time on the “Never-Ending Cross Stitch Project That I Thought Was a Great Idea”. It might be finished sometime.  Maybe.

Also, I’m growing a human.  So, that’s pretty much 24/7 creativity, right?  I like to think so, especially in the evenings when all I want to do is put up my swollen feet and drink something with slushy ice in it.


My morning scripture study has been devoted to the Parables in the New Testament lately.  I’m working my way through slowly and learning so much as I go.
I’ve also been working my way slowly through Sally and Sarah Clarkson’s book, The Life-Giving Home. It’s beautiful and so inspiring, so far.  I’ve got to keep my highlighter handy when I’m reading.

Links I Love Lately:

Skillshare Classes. I’ve been watching a class almost every morning lately.  Use this link to get 3 months for only 99 cents!
$5 Meal Plan is saving my life right now.  I LOVE having a ready-made meal plan and grocery list each week.  We’ve all loved most of the recipes, too.  It’s been so fantastic for us in this busy season!

On the Blog:

I’m joining Leigh Kramer today to share What I’m Into.