What I’ve Been Reading: August 2020
Short and sweet book reviews of the books I read last month. Find all of my book reviews here.
A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
I was worried about this book because the illustrations are intense. (I generally need to steer clear of creepy images). But the story was so sweet and the portrayal of grief so poignant. Both my 11 year old (reluctant reader) and I loved it.
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by Cs Lewis
Listened to this with the kids in the car. It’s a great story, but doesn’t hold my heart like some of the others in the series.
Choosing Yes by Courtney Casper
My online friend @courtneycasper.letters wrote an amazing book about choosing to do the work God has laid out for you. I feel like I just need to read this over and over again as a reminder. Authentic and beautiful.
Ask Again, Yes by Mary Beth Keane
I was surprised at how this story grabbed onto my heart. I loved watching the characters develop. There were definitely times where I got angry or sad or disappointed in choices characters made, but I felt like the ending was lovely.
Grace Where You Are by Emily Belle Freeman
Deep dive into the principle of grace and Christ’s ability to meet us where we are and offer the grace we need. I read this cover to cover in one day.
It was just what I needed.
Patina by Jason Reynolds
This middle grade novel is the second in a series about a track team and the different challenges each of its members face. Jason Reynolds is such an incredible writer and his books are a gift to people young and old.
Living Your Covenants Every Day by Jennifer Brinkerhoff Platt
I read this book slowly over a month to allow myself to really take in the truths that she was sharing. Love these ideas of ritualizing worship and making the time for our souls and spirits to be connected with God.
Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker
The extremely sad true story of a family torn apart by mental illness. 6 of the 12 children in one family develop schizophrenia in a time when the disease was not at all understood.
The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi
This is a guide to help you figure out what is truly important to you. A way to create a life that honors your personal gifts and what matters most. Highly recommend.