Winter Term Morning Time Plans

Over the past couple of days we’ve been absolutely slammed by a huge snowstorm. The view above is what it currently looks like out our back door.  There are probably 14 inches of snow on our table out there, and we’ve got drifts multiple feet high around every walkway and on either side of the driveway.

We’ve been snowed in for the past couple of days, and it’s been so nice to have some extra time to read, play in the snow and work on getting the house back in order after a busy holiday season.

We’re also back in the swing of official schooling this week and started a new term on Tuesday.  Here’s what we’re covering in Morning Time this term:

Memory Work

Hymn: The Lord is my Light
Scripture verses: The Beatitudes
Poems: My Shadow by Robert Louis Stevenson (Ethan, 8)
           Come In by Robert Frost (Ellie, 12)
           Stopping by Woods On a Snowy Evening (me)

Ethan is memorizing the Scout Oath and the Scout Law for Cub Scouts  as well as the Articles of Faith and Ellie is working on the Young Women theme.

Read Alouds

We’re finishing up The Door in the Wall this week and then we’ll move on to Robin Hood and His Merry Outlaws.  We’re also working our way through the picture books on our Medieval History reading list.  I’m really excited to get to Heroines: Great Women through the Ages in the next couple of weeks.
We’re also slowly working our way through the Book Trails series that my parents gave us for Christmas. It was the most meaningful gift I received this Christmas. My great-grandma (and our little Edith’s namesake) had a set that I poured over as a child. My parents tracked down a full set for our family and for each of my sisters. I love that I get to share these beautiful stories and illustrations with my children.

Additional Resources

We’re loving the Squilt Baroque Era music appreciation curriculum.  This is perfect for me! It’s easy, quick and interesting.  Just the right about of information to expose my kids to some beautiful music without stressing me out or loading us down with too much information to plod through.
Draw Europe is something my big kids look forward to every day.  It’s a simple, fun introduction to European geography.  So fun!  (And, again, easy for Mama!)  

What’s happening in your homeschool?