Jesus Christ Flipbook {FREE quiet book printable}

This boy.   He’s hilarious and fun and one of my favorite people on earth.  But he is NOT good at sitting still for long periods of time.  I think it may have something to do with being 5 years old. Perhaps you have someone in your house who has the same difficulty? He is the inspiration for a little project […]

Study Guide Sale!

In honor of our completely rejuvenating General Conference weekend and the upcoming Easter holiday, I am celebrating with a study journal sale! For the next couple of weeks, you can snag a printed  Faith in God study journal for 30% off, bringing the price down to $5.95!  If you ask me, this would make a perfect addition to your child’s Easter […]

Book Recommendations: March 2014

We are a book-loving family.   We read many books each month, but choose our favorites to share with you. We’re always looking for more books to add to our library bag (which literally burst at the seams as we left the library one day).  I’d love to hear your recommendations! Reads for Mama: And the Mountains Echoed: A Novel […]