Chunky Crochet Blanket pattern

I normally prefer knitting to crocheting but when the time comes to make a bulky afghan, I firmly believe that crochet is the way to go.  This pattern is very simple and perfect for beginners. (Or, in my case, not-so-beginners who can only do very simple projects while riding in the car or they will get carsick.)  It works up […]

Our Super Simple Job Jars

In an effort to motivate our kids to do their daily chores, I have tried many charts and organizational ideas throughout my parenting years: sticker charts, expensive pre-made charts, written daily lists, picture charts, rocks in a jar, etc.  Often these tools will work well for a short time, but then either the kids lose interest, or I fail to […]

What I’m Reading: October 2014

Edenbrooke I flew through this book while on our recent vacation.  It is a love story with a very Jane Austen feel. I do wish there was a bit more resolution with some of the characters at the end, but overall I really enjoyed it. Breakfast at Tiffany’s For some reason, this book wasn’t quite what I expected. I’m not […]