Book Recommendations: March 2014

We are a book-loving family.  

We read many books each month, but choose our favorites to share with you.
We’re always looking for more books to add to our library bag (which literally burst at the seams as we left the library one day).  I’d love to hear your recommendations!

Reads for Mama:
And the Mountains Echoed: A Novel
An amazingly intricate work with several intersecting storylines across many years.  Just like Khaled Hosseini’s other books, this was well written and compelling til the end. Beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.

I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban 
An incredibly inspiring story.  I felt like the first two sections were really slow.  They cover a lot of information about the history of Pakistan and the Taliban.  Interesting and pertinent information; but I just wanted to read Malala’s story.  A friend of mine skipped most of the first two sections, read the last 3 and then went back to learn about the history, etc.  She highly recommended reading it that way.

The Middle Place
Oh, I loved this book!  Kelly Corrigan blends stories from her growing-up years seemlessly with the story of her battle with breast cancer.  It’s a lovely testament to the power of loving parents and a close family.  I laughed, I cried… 🙂

The Buddha in the Attic
The writing style in this book took a little while to get used to, I must admit.  But after I got over that I really enjoyed it.  After finishing the book I feel like the way in which it was told added significantly to the power of the story.  The women’s stories are lumped together, with no defined protagonist.  I felt like that was a commentary on how we, in our various forms of prejudice, lump certain “kinds” of people together and don’t take the time to learn their individual stories.

Out of My Mind
If you loved Wonder, you’ll love this book.  It has a very similar feel, but it went more in depth into the emotions and frustrations of living with a disability.  A quick read, but a very sweet and inspiring story.  I immediately passed it on to my 9 year old.

Read Alouds:

A timeless tale full of so many insights and opportunities to talk to our kids about faith, service and loving others. Loved it!

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