LDS New Testament Doctrinal Mastery Cards (free download!)

One of my primary goals as a mom is to infuse my children with the word of God. I’ve found such comfort from scripture, I hope I can pass that love and comfort on to my kids. Each morning, we review the scriptures we’ve memorized. Read more about how we’ve done this here.

If you want to do something similar in your family, I have the next installment of Doctrinal Mastery Cards available today: The New Testament.

The cards are 3×5″ in size in order to fit into an index card storage box.  Introduce one new verse each week and review the other verses often, and before long you will have many verses committed to memory! 

I’ll be sharing the additional Doctrinal Mastery cards over the next couple of months, as well as other sets of scriptures.

Here is another very simple way to help kids memorize scripture:

  • tape/magnet the card to the refrigerator so it serves as a visual reminder
  • after each meal give the child a chance to recite the scripture. (Help him/her as necessary.  This should be uplifting and fun, not a scary pop quiz)
  • after the child has recited the scripture, give him/her a small treat.  This could be a sticker, or a single skittle or a chocolate chip.  Something very small, but fun enough that they want to recite scriptures multiple times a day.  
  • you’ll be amazed at how quickly this works!


Find the Old Testament cards here