Bullet Journal
My Super Simple 2019 Bullet Journal Setup

My Super Simple 2019 Bullet Journal Setup

Super simple bullet journal ideas.  You don’t have to make intricate bullet journal spreads! These functional and simple bullet journal ideas are easy to create even on your busiest days.

I’m a busy homeschooling Mom to four kiddos.  I’m also a small business owner and blogger.  While I love to see the beautiful and intricate layouts people create in their bullet journals, I’m just not willing to spend my precious time on that. (Notice I didn’t say I don’t have the time.  I truly believe we can make time for things that are important to us.  I simply choose to spend my art/creative time in other areas).

I spent some time this weekend setting up my 2019 Bullet Journal and thought you might like to see my simple, function over form pages.  I’m going to assume you have already heard of Bullet Journals.  They’ve been everywhere for the past few years.  If you’re not familiar with them, here’s a great, simple explanation.


My supply list is very short. Basically, a journal and a pen is all you need. I have used a Leuchtturm 1917 dotted journal for years. Love it.  It’s versatile and sturdy and can easily be carried all over the place.  This year I’m using the deep purple version and it makes me very happy.

I’m a big fan of these black papermate pens.  But honesty, I just use whatever black pen I can get my hands on. I also love these pens for adding a little color.

While it’s not necessary, using a ruler to draw lines makes my pages look a little neater.

What is included in my 2019 Bullet Journal:

I don’t do the future log or calendars for each month.  We simply have way too many places to be for that to be worth my time. I use google calendar to keep track of all that.  The added bonus is that I share a calendar with my husband so he can see what’s coming up as well.

Blog Content Pages
I have been looking for a simple way to plan out blog content in my bujo for years and just ran across the awesome method mentioned by Lily Pebbles.  It’s exactly what I need.  So I created a layout for each month with the content tracker as well as a list of categories/posts for the month.  It helps me make sure I’m sharing a good balance of topics here.

2019 Goals
A page to refer back to in order to remember my goals for the year.  The list in this photo is not complete, I’m still planning a few things out.

Brainstorming Collections
I very often have ideas for blog posts, projects, etc. while I’m out and about or busy with other things.  I keep my bullet journal near me so I can write those ideas down before they are lost.  My current collections include:
Blog Post Ideas
Embroidery Ideas (for my shop)
Home Projects
Homeschool (for books to read, educational videos to watch, curriculum ideas, etc.)
Gift Ideas
Pinners Conference (I’ll have a booth again next November and I’m already making plans!)
100 Days of Scripture Lettering (preparing early this year for my 100 Days Project!)

I have used trackers in the past, but have a hard time keeping up with them.  I feel into the trap of trying to track too many things because the trackers I see online look so pretty.  For me, creating a tracking spread every month was overwhelming and just not enough benefit.  This year I decided to try something different.  I am tracking only a few things (workouts, scripture study, my daily creative project and a business project).  I created yearly trackers for each of them, and decided to try a couple of different layouts (shown below) so I can see which option I like better.  The grid was definitely easier to create than the calendars, but I like how those look better at this point.

Planning Pages
I serve in our church congregation as the children’s music leader.  That means I plan a 20 minute lesson every single week to teach songs and share the gospel through music.  I created a page to keep track of my lesson plans for the month.  January’s page got a little messy as I was figuring out how I wanted to lay it out.  But I’m going to use it anyway and revamp things in February (and maybe use pencil this time).

Weekly Spreads

This spread is the bread and butter of my bullet journal.  I could not function as a human without it.  On the left side I have the page separated into 7 sections labeled:

Service: anything for my church work, relationships with loved ones, neighbors, etc.
A Lively Hope: posts to write, design work, work projects
Home: Anything that needs to be done around the house this week
Computer: To do items that need to be completed at the computer (emails to send, recipes to print, forms to fill out, bills, budgeting, etc.)
Phone: Phone calls/texts (appointments to make, friends to call, etc.)
Errands: Obviously, this is for any errands I need to do.
Blank: That leaves one extra section which I use to write down notes or if I have a particular project that week, maybe a holiday or birthday party, or a home improvement project that needs more space for tasks, I list those tasks here.

It works so well for my brain to have items divided up like this, Getting Things Done style.  As a task pops into my head, I add it to the list in the appropriate spot. When I sit down at the computer, I can take care of all those tasks at once, when I’m out running errands, I check the list to see if there is anything else I an accomplish while I’m there.

On the right side of my weekly spreads, I include small daily sections.  I like to brainstorm as I get in bed each night what I want to accomplish the next day.  Sometimes those things are from the lists on the left page, sometimes they are different tasks that came up during the day.

Each day also has a little place to write down my plan for dinner.

This is not a breathtaking bullet journal by any means.  It’s simple and straightforward and easy to use.  It’s exactly what I need in my busy life.

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