Peek Into my Art Journal

My Creative Habit for 2017 is very simple.  I’m just setting aside time to do some painting or drawing every day.  Usually this looks like a completed page in my sketchbook, but not always.  Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 days to finish a sketchbook spread because time is limited in my life right now.  Between a new baby and lingering colds being passed around between all the members of the family plus the regular day-to-day homeschooling craziness, I’m satisfied to have a few minutes to create every day.
I’m not putting strict rules on myself this year simply because I know I’ll need some grace.  January was mostly about illustrating animals.  But if I felt like doing something else, I did.  And Sundays are generally still spent in my altered Hymn book.  But if I felt like doing something else, I did.  Notice a pattern?  This year is all about creating joyfully and not sticking to one very specific goal.  
You can follow along on Instagram to see what I’m creating each day.