What I’ve Been Reading: January 2016

My reading goal for 2016 is the same as it’s been for the past several years: 60 books. I just baaarely hit that goal last year. Check out my favorites from 2015 here. But I’m well on my way for 2016.  Here’s what I’ve been reading over the past month:

Saints by Orson Scott Card

I still have mixed feelings about this book.  It deals with some pretty difficult topics in the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints ,which I happen to be a member of.  The story was fascinating, the characters were real and flawed.  Although many of the characters were real people, this is a work of fiction and I can imagine a lot of liberty was taken by the author. Ultimately, this book got me thinking and made me want to learn more and that is one of the ways I measure a good book, despite the moments it was difficult for me to continue reading.

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

I’ve heard this book accurately described as a dystopian novel for adults.  So much of this genre is in the YA category, and I have found myself pretty burned out with it all.  I am so glad I picked up Station Eleven, because there really is a difference in the tone, writing style and depth when compared with other similar stories.  I really enjoyed it.

The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler

Macon Leary is a travel writer who hates to leave home.  His story of loss and change is told in this a light and humorous novel.  Moments of poignant sadness are interspersed throughout the book.  I was completely shocked by the ending and I’m still mulling over how I feel about it.  No spoilers here, but I’ll just say I was really surprised by it and I don’t think I really liked it.  The rest of the book was delightful, though. 🙂

The Family Under the Bridge by Natalie Savage Carlson

My daughter recommended this sweet, fun book.  A perfect Christmastime read.  Set in Paris, this little book tells the story of grumpy Armand, a grumpy homeless man and how his life is changed by a family who is down on their luck.

Walking with the Women of the New Testament by Heather Farrell

This gorgeous book was written by a dear friend of mine. I used it throughout 2015 to guide my study of the New Testament.  Heather has such incredible insights to share into the lives of the women in the New Testament.  Her information and explanations make the stories come alive and allowed me to gain a greater knowledge of the scriptures.

Money Making Mom by Crystal Paine

I loved this practical, approachable look at being a successful working mom.  Crystal outlines many different jobs and the circumstances that may require a Mama to work either outside the home or from home.  She shares usable tips, encouragement and insights from her time in the trenches working to get a business off the ground.

Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

Just like all of the Jodi Picoult books I’ve read, Nineteen Minutes is jam-packed with emotion and gut-wrenching situations.  My heart was broken for all the characters at least once in this story of a bullied kid who fights back. It was gripping, painful and made me hyper-aware of my own children and the love and attention they may be in need of.

She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb

I made it about a third of the way through this one before I decided not to finish.  It had become too explicit and depressing and graphic for me. I’ve heard of so many people who loved it, but I just couldn’t keep reading.

What have you been reading lately?

Find more of my book reviews here.

Check out Modern Mrs. Darcy for more recommendations.