Quick Lit: June 2015

The Girl on the Train I jumped into this book without knowing much about it. I don’t want to include any spoilers, so I’ll keep this review brief.  I found myself completely enthralled by the unreliable narrators and flawed characters.  I did feel like I figured out the ending prematurely, but would still recommend the book as a great pool/beach […]

How We Memorize Scriptures

We have been using a simple scripture memorization and review system lately (which I originally read about here) and I’ve been so impressed with the results we’ve seen so far. It’s a simple, effective way to help kids, and adults memorize scripture. It will take you a few minutes to set up, but other than that there is very little […]

A Peek Into My Sketchbook: Costa Rica Travel Edition

On our recent Costa Rica trip, I took along a sketchbook (naturally) and because of that these pages are somewhat adventure-themed. I drew the “Oh darling, let’s be adventurer’s” page on our flight.  Every time I look at it, I remember the anticipation I was feeling as we set off to visit a new place. Oh, I adore traveling. I […]