Tibetan Prayer Flags DIY Craft for Kids

For the past few weeks, at the request of my 11 year old daughter, we’ve been studying world religions in our homeschool.  While we were reading about Buddhism, we became smitten with Tibetan Prayer Flags. We’ve seen these before, of course, and thought they were beautiful.  But after learning more about the meaning of the flags we were drawn to them […]

Knit The Sky Blanket

       I fell in love with this sky scarf project by the amazing Lea Redmond when I first came across it years ago. The basic idea is that you knit a stripe on a scarf every day based on the weather. I even bought all the yarn and began to knit my own sky scarf.  After knitting a row […]

What I’ve Been Reading: January 2016

My reading goal for 2016 is the same as it’s been for the past several years: 60 books. I just baaarely hit that goal last year. Check out my favorites from 2015 here. But I’m well on my way for 2016.  Here’s what I’ve been reading over the past month: Saints by Orson Scott Card I still have mixed feelings about […]

2016 Goals

I have a tendancy to confuse goals with to-do lists.  I’m a big list keeper (stay tuned for a look at my beloved bullet journal next week!). In the past I’ve started each year off with a long list of stuff to accomplish that would probably best fit on a to-do list rather than a goals list.  See 2014 as an […]