Hand-Lettered Names of Christ Advent {free printable}

A couple of years ago I shared our Names of Christ advent ornaments.  Our family has so enjoyed that simple and meaningful tradition.

This year I drew a simpler version for you.  All you need to do is print out the following page. Each day in December read the Bible verse (all verses are from the KJV) and discuss the name of Christ listed, then color in the box for that name. If your kids are anything like mine, it might be a good idea to print one page per child.

By Christmas Day you’ll have a beautiful representation of the verses you’ve read and hopefully you’ll have been able to enjoy a few moments each day, in the midst of the bustle of the season, focusing on the birth of our Savior.

Download the Names of Christ Advent here.

ps– You don’t have to start this December 1.  You could read 2 verses a day for a 12 day advent or even read them all in one day.

If you’re visiting from Camille at Chicken Scratch n Sniff’s online Christmas Advent, welcome!  I’m delighted to have you here.  I hope this advent will help add the true Spirit of Christmas to your holiday season.