
Sometimes a poem just pops into my head. It’s been happening more often lately. And last time I felt the need to share it and learned that it was just what a dear friend needed to hear. In the early hours this morning, this poem came to me. I have had a lot of feelings jumbled inside me lately, and this is how they came tumbling out:

Wondering…why life never turns out the way I think it will.
Waiting…to discover my path.
Feeling…frustrated about what I can’t control.
Thinking…about what I must do.
Reaching…for all I can be.
Praying…for strength.
Wanting…the answers right now.
Learning…to be patient.
Finding…joy in what I have.
Asking…why bad things happen to good people.
Loving…more deeply than ever.
Doing…my best day by day.
Trying… to put others first.
Wishing…for more.
Watching…the world move too quickly.
Dreaming…of better days for all.
Holding…my little ones tightly.
Keeping…my goals on my mind.
Hurting… because I can’t help much.
Hoping…what I do makes a difference.
Trusting…in my kind, loving Savior.
Stretching…myself, just a little.
Receiving…love and comfort from Above.
Knowing…God has a plan just for me.
And life always turns out BETTER than I think it will.

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