Ocean Felt Play Mat {free pattern}

We’ve got a long car ride in our near future and I find myself sorely lacking in tricks to pull out of my sleeve to keep the bickering at bay.  One of my solutions was to make a felt play mat (or two) to help entertain our animal-loving boy. I drew a simple pattern, which you can download below, and […]

Dear Elijah

Dear Elijah, Baby boy, I want to remember every detail of this week.  After so many difficulties in getting you here, after setbacks and heartbreaks and disappointments, we are finally done.  You are officially ours!  It feels like you’ve been with us all along now; funny how that works.  It’s hard to imagine our lives without your huge grin, your […]

Twitterature: June 2014

I’m linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy today to share the books I’ve been reading lately.  Head on over to her post to find more recommendations.  I always leave with a list as long as my arm 🙂 Call the Midwife Love, love, love!  I was so delighted to discover that one of my favorite TV shows is based on […]