I have good news, and I have good news…

We had another court date today and here is the good news: We are planning to adopt Peanut! (I realize that this is not very different from the last update you heard about him. But the court system works slowly sometimes and nothing is definite until you sign the papers. We are probably 98% sure this will happen. Good odds!) […]

One step closer!

The short version: We had court yesterday. It looks VERY likely that we’ll be able to adopt Peanut! We are so excited and have already started calling him a different name (I didn’t like his original name at all). We’ll know more on February 18th. Cutie’s case is a little different and we still don’t know which way it will […]

My Boys

Cutie loves to give kisses. Especially to his “rud-der” (that’s how he says brother). Rud-der didn’t particularly enjoy this kiss.


I know some of you are anxiously waiting to hear about our court date today, so here you go. We were able to meet Cutie’s dad for the first time. He seems to be making good progress and seems very sincere. He was awarded visitation rights today. Unfortunately, the boys’ mom was a no-show. As you can imagine, this is […]

It didn’t take long.

We are officially in love with our little Peanut. We love every bit of him. His sweet face, his tiny hands, and wrinkly little feet.I especially love his furry ears and shoulders. Who knew hair on your ears and shoulders could be so cute?

First Steps and Painting

Cutie took his first steps today! He took 2 steps on 3 different tries. Way to go, big guy! (By the way, it’s kind of hard to take a picture of a baby taking his first steps when you’re also trying to have him walk to you.) Another first for Cutie this week: painting. He was much more interested in […]


Today at 3:00 we’ll be picking up a new addition to our little family. Cutie’s little brother was born Tuesday morning, and will be coming to stay with us. Here are some answers to the questions I’m sure you are thinking: How far apart are Cutie and the new baby? 13 monthsHow big is new baby? 6 lbs 9 oz […]

It’s all worth it

I just had one of those moments that makes you realize what life is all about. It makes all the nose wiping, diaper changing, breaking up fights, late nights, shushing, cooking, cleaning (and cleaning and cleaning), weaning, rocking, feeding, teeth brushing, face washing and time-outs worth it. Not to mention the waiting, wondering, tears and prayers. Ellie was in the […]