Nephi’s Family Printable Paper Dolls

Free printable paper play set and paper dolls for the Book of Mormon Stories in First and Second Nephi. Hey there! Remember how last year I created a set of New Testament paper dolls for you? And the year before that I shared a bunch of Old Testament paper dolls? I am really excited to bring that series back to […]

My Traveler’s Notebook Bullet Journal Setup

How I’m using a Traveler’s Notebook as a bullet journal, commonplace book, gratitude journal, scripture journal and daily task list. Like many of you, I’ve got a lot on my plate. Home tasks, work tasks, homeschool, family stuff, community and church responsibilities, ideas and things I want to do. Places to go, people to see. You know how it is. […]

Come Follow Me: Book of Mormon Devotional Schedule

Daily devotional schedule for Come Follow Me Book of Mormon. See how we memorize scriptures and songs that correlate with the Come Follow Me lessons each week. If you’ve been around here for a while, you may remember a system we used a few years ago to memorize and review scripture verses. It worked really well for a time, but […]

What I’ve been Reading Lately: December 2019

Every month I share short and simple reviews of the books I’ve been reading lately. You should know that I don’t generally have a problem setting aside a book if I’m not interested in it. There are just too many awesome books out there to waste my time on one I’m not into. However, there are also books that I […]