Just Let Me Cry

I had hoped to share some luscious baby photos here as part of my photo-a-day challenge.   When I decided to complete that challenge in July, our family had been selected by a birthmother and we were joyfully anticipating the arrival of a little girl, to be born this month.  I washed tiny baby clothes/blankets/burp cloths, prepared the bassinet, and […]


{Grandma Helen–isn’t she gorgeous?– and my mom} Today is my Grandma Helen’s birthday. She passed away in 2003, but I still think of her often. I remember her as a stunning woman with a radiant smile and beautiful voice.  She and my Grandpa were high school sweethearts. She was a nurse, a world traveler, and she spent her life in […]

Baby Steps

“Mom, if you get scared you just have to take baby steps, right?”  Ethan asks this as we hike through a steep section of trail.  I agree and we slow down so he can take his time.  He began the hike clinging tightly to my hand.  He doesn’t like trails with a drop-off on one side (see the last time […]


I have been rather quiet here lately.  Much of my writing time over the past weeks has been spent on preparing our adoption papers.  Jason and I had to answer countless in-depth questions, separately and together.  It has been a long process, but I’m happy to report that we are (mostly) finished!  I think. It has been quite a time of introspection; […]


We doubled the number of children at our house this week. Yep, it’s been busy.  We first heard about our new foster placements in the middle of last week.  I immediately felt powerfully drawn to them. Ask my sweet, patient husband…there were some powerful emotional outbursts around here as I attempted to wait patiently to see how the situation would […]

Back to Us

After a difficult custody hearing yesterday Baby went to live with his new family in Wisconsin. After having that sweet child for 6 months, our hearts are full of a jumble of emotions. We feel sad about the loss of the dreams and plans we unintentionally made about him being part of our lives forever. We feel grateful for the […]


To add a surprising twist to our lives, we just took in our first foster placement in almost 18 months. At 3 years old, she’s the oldest child we’ve care for yet. She’ll only be with us for a couple of weeks, tops, but I am thrilled to have her here (I’m not allowed to post any pictures of her, […]

Ethan’s 15 month check-up

(It’s really hard to keep his face clean!) Here are the stats from Ethan’s 15 month check-up (over 1 month ago…). Height: 33″ 80th percentile Weight: 22 lbs 15 oz 25th percentile Head: 75th percentile Jason and I were just talking about how Ethan is built just like a miniature man. His body shape doesn’t look like a baby to […]


Sometimes a poem just pops into my head. It’s been happening more often lately. And last time I felt the need to share it and learned that it was just what a dear friend needed to hear. In the early hours this morning, this poem came to me. I have had a lot of feelings jumbled inside me lately, and […]

For Ethan

How does a mother know a child is hers and hers alone?Especially when the child’s not of her own flesh and bone? I’m unable to explain how I know it, but I do.I am the one God sent to earth to love and care for you. It doesn’t matter how you came, I just know that it is right.I knew […]